We're looking for a few good people who want to MAKE A DIFFERENCE!
We need musicians, organizers, actors, sound / lighting crew... more!
Click on the 'Help Wanted' poster below.
the believers' page
- video: "it's the question that
drives us..."
- one man's escape
from the matrix
- more about 'the question'
- are YOU willing...
to "GO THERE?"
'bonus page':
take the test -
"Jesus: true or false?"
what do we REALLY believe?
(this page is also available from
the believers' and leaders' pages.)
Click on the underlined text in any of the boxes below to go to any page on this website.
"rules of engagement" page(optional) guidelines for
effective eMailing
the leaders' page
- "do you ever feel like..."
- it's not 'what would Jesus do', it's 'what DID Jesus do?'
the skeptics' page
- a message of respect, welcome and a long-overdue apology to skeptics
- audio link: 'dude - just gimme the LORD!'
'entry portals' page
- video: 'let me tell you why you're here...'
- choose 'skeptic, believer or clergy' to proceed to one of the next pages...
"workshop info" page
more details about what to expect at the 'shop
workshop dates & locations page
where & when to escape
contact page
- get on our (eMail) mailing list
- send a question or comment
home page
(to "take the red pill")
is alive and well and
actually at work in a
church near you.
...or is he?
is alive and well
and at work in a
church near you.
...or is he?
Click on the underlined text in any of the boxes below to go to any page on this website.
of an american
...a workshop for anyone
brave enough
to honestly face the REAL
"inconvenient truth"...
more details about what to expect at the 'shop
this site is designed to take you through the pages in a certain order, as if following a flow-chart or path.
follow the white rabbit (uh, I mean the white ARROWS) to take the recommended path...
we suggest taking the red pill...
- video: 'let me tell you why you're here...'
- choose 'skeptic, believer or clergy' to proceed to one of the next pages...
- video: "i can
feel you now..."
- a message of respect, welcome and a long-overdue apology to skeptics
- audio link: 'dude - just gimme the LORD!'
- video: "it's the question that
drives us..."
- one man's escape
from the matrix
- are YOU willing...
to "GO THERE?"
- "do you ever feel like..."
- sorry, it's not
'what would Jesus do'...
it's 'what DID Jesus do!'
where & when you can participate with us and plan your escape
- get on our (eMail) mailing list
- send a question or comment
'bonus page':
what do we REALLY believe?
(this page is also available from
the believers' and leaders' pages.)
We're looking for a few good people who want to MAKE A DIFFERENCE!
We need musicians, organizers, actors, sound / lighting crew... more!